Annual reports and key figures



The Carlsberg Foundation’s annual report is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Danish Financial Statements Act for reporting class C. Our financial statements are audited by the audit firm PwC.

The annual report comprises the management review, financial statements, and the management statement and auditor’s report. It covers key figures for the foundation’s revenue and grants awarded, as well as the activities connected with our four departments: the Carlsberg Research Laboratory (department A), support for basic scientific research (department B), Frederiksborg • Museum of National History (department C) and the Tuborg Foundation (department D).

Annual reports

Download the latest and previous annual reports (Danish version only). Earlier annual reports are available on request.











Key figures

The following table shows the financial development in the foundation’s principal items over the past five years. The data can also be found in our annual reports.


DKKm  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019
Dividend from affiliates 741 690 658 648 581
Other operating income 19  19 9 9 3
Costs -191   -105 -103 -98 -54
Operating profit before financial items 569  604 555 550 543
Financial items, net   992   -764 814 577 299
Profit for the year before tax on grants 1,562  -160 1,369 1,127 841
Tax  -  - - - -
Profit for the year before grants 1,562  -160 1,369 1,127 841
Grants  -806  -832 -758 -713 -535
Profit for the year 756  -992 611 414 307
Total assets 53,410 53,150  58,964 49,665 47,562
Basic capital 3,709  3,709 3,709 3,709 3,418
Revaluation reserve 46,949  47,018 52,981 44,156 42,847
Grant limit 1,500   1,250 1,250 1,000 680
Total equity 52,158  51,977 57,940  48,865 46,945
Costs as a percentage of equity 0,37  0,20 0,18 0,20 0,12
Costs as a percentage of grants 23,7  12,6 13,6 13,7 10,1