Data protection policy



Protection of personal data is a high priority at the Carlsberg Foundation. We have therefore drawn up a policy for how the Foundation (“we” or “us”) processes your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

The Carlsberg Foundation is the data controller

The data controller is the Carlsberg Foundation, CVR no. 60223513, located at H.C. Andersens Boulevard 35, 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark. If you wish to exercise your rights – as set out below – or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Carlsberg Foundation by telephoning +45 3343 5363 or

Our processing activities

You can read more about the categories of data that we process and the purposes and basis of the processing in the following sections.

Purposes of the processing

The Carlsberg Foundation collects and processes your personal data in connection with the following:

  • Foundation administration and grantmaking, including
    • Assessing whether the Foundation will award a grant to you or your project, including sharing your application with specialists who are connected with the Foundation or consulted as part of the application processing.
    • Publicly disclosing and discussing your project – including personal data such as your name and, where relevant, job title – on our website in the event that you are awarded a grant by us.
    • Further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes.
    • Budgeting and accounting.
    • Participation in relevant professional events and their facilitation (read more under “Events”)
    • Sending you newsletters (read more under “Newsletters”)
    • Participation in satisfaction surveys (read more under “Satisfaction and user surveys”)
    • Job recruiting
    • Video surveillance

Foundation administration and grantmaking

It is the Carlsberg Foundation’s mission to support basic research at the highest international level within the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Categories of personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and basis for processing
The Carlsberg Foundation processes the following personal data collected from grant applicants:



Basis for processing

General personal data:

Basic data such as name, address, e-mail, telephone number.

Details and description of the project, budget for the project, bank details.

* If the application covers more than one category of personal data, all the data provided is processed to the same extent.

The Carlsberg Foundation processes your personal data in order to fulfil the Foundation’s legitimate interest in processing your application, including assessing whether we will award a grant to your project, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f).

If you are awarded a grant, the Carlsberg Foundation also processes your general personal data where necessary for fulfilling a contract/agreement, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(b).

If you are awarded a grant, the Carlsberg Foundation processes –including publicly disclosing– on our website your general personal data, such as your name and job title as well as the amount of the grant, also in order to fulfil a legitimate interest in discussing what the Foundation supports, and your specific project, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f).

The Carlsberg Foundation processes personal data where necessary for complying with a legal obligation to which the Foundation is subject, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(c).

If you receive a grant from us, you should be aware that certain general data can bepublicly disclosed without your consent. Specifically, we can publicly disclose general personal data such as your name, photo and job title as well as the amount of the grant and other details of the project.

The Carlsberg Foundation may process photos of you on the basis of GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f). Before public disclosure, we always assess whether we have a legitimate interest in publicly disclosing the photo, e.g. as part of the discussion of a project that we have supported. The assessment considers the nature of the photo, where and why the photo was taken, the context of the photo, the purpose of public disclosure and any consequences that public disclosure of the photo could have for the persons portrayed. Furthermore, we always assess whether the purpose of the photo aligns with the purpose of public disclosure and, where relevant, the text associated with the photo. If you are not happy with the public disclosure of the photo, you have the right to object.

If we assess that we are not able to publicly disclose the photo based on our legitimate interest, we will ask for your permission before public disclosure of the photo, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(a).

We may receive the photos directly from you or from the organisations, e.g. associations, that we have supported or with which we have collaborated.

Sensitive personal data:

Personal data concerning racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

The Carlsberg Foundation has no need to process sensitive personal data. We therefore ask you not to provide such data to the Foundation.

If we receive sensitive data in your application that can be separated out and is not relevant, this data will be erased immediately after receipt and before your application is processed.

Who has access to your data?
Your data may be shared with specialists within the Carlsberg Foundation, connected to the Carlsberg Foundation or consulted as part of the application processing. Furthermore, your personal data may be made available to data processors who process your personal data on behalf of the Foundation.

We may disclose your personal data in the form of your name, address, e-mail and telephone number to the following recipients:

  • Public authorities.
  • Auditors and, where necessary, lawyers and other advisers.
  • Statistics Denmark (only your CVR number will be disclosed for use in reporting grants).

We disclose your personal data to the above recipients either because we have a duty to do so or because those recipients have to process your personal data pursuant to legislation.

Generally, we do not transfer or make available personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. In the event that personal data is transferred or made available to countries outside the EU/EEA, this is done on the basis of the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses.

Storage and erasure
The Carlsberg Foundation will process your personal data throughout the application process, which usually extends over six months.

If you receive a grant, your ordinary personal data – including the application – will be stored and processed for archival purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes, in accordance with Article 5(1)(e) of the Regulation.

Considering the Carlsberg Foundation's position and significance in Danish history, the Carlsberg Foundation has a legitimate interest in the continued storage, which is solely for processing for the aforementioned purposes, including storage in the foundation's internal overview of supported projects, in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation.

If we decide not to award a grant, your personal data, including your application and rejection, will be erased after three years in the case of project applications for less than DKK 100,000 and after five years in the case of project applications for more than DKK 100,000. The purpose of storage following a rejection is justified in the Foundation’s historic interest in having personal data for use in the Foundation’s work with a view to being able to differentiate grants in future as well as for complying with the legislation regarding supervision of foundation grants.

Inactive user profiles in our application systemare deleted after two years of inactivity. Prior to deletion, you will receive an e-mail informing you that you will be deleted from the system unless you reply to the e-mail within a deadline of one month.



Categories of personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and basis for processing
The Carlsberg Foundation processes the following categories of personal data about registrants for the Foundations’ events:



Basis for processing

General personal data:

E-mail, name, title and company/organisation, telephone number and any allergies

The Carlsberg Foundation processes your personal data where necessary for fulfilling a contract/agreement with you concerning participation in the event, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(b).

The Carlsberg Foundation may also invite you to a professional event that we assess as being of interest to you. We do this based on our shared legitimate interest, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f).

Who has access to your data?
Generally, we do not disclose your personal data to third parties. We may share the participant list with the other participants who have registered for the event. The participant list will only reveal personal data such as your name, e-mail, organisation and job title.If you do not want your personal data to appear in the participant list, please contact us.

Generally, we do not transfer or make available personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. In the event that personal data is transferred or made available to countries outside the EU/EEA, this is done on the basis of the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses.

Storage and erasure
We store your personal data for as long as we have an objective need for processing. We also assess whether there are any special factors requiring a shorter or longer period of storage.



Categories of personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and basis for processing
The Carlsberg Foundation processes the following personal data about subscribers to the Foundation’s newsletters:



Basis for processing

General personal data:

E-mail, name and company/organisation

The Carlsberg Foundation processes your personal data where necessary for fulfilling a contract/agreement with you concerning receipt of newsletters, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(b).

Who has access to your data?
You personal data is not disclosed. Your data may be made available to an external e-mail marketing platform, which will receive your name and e-mail for use in sending out newsmails.

Generally, we do not transfer or make available personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. In the event that personal data is transferred or made available to countries outside the EU/EEA, this is done on the basis of the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses.

Storage and erasure
We store your personal data for as long as we are sending you newsletters and up to two years after it is used for the final time.

Unsubscribed subscribers are manually deleted monthly.


Satisfaction and user surveys

Categories of personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and basis for processing
The Carlsberg Foundation processes the following personal data about participants in various satisfaction and user surveys:



Basis for processing

General personal data:

E-mail, name and company/organisation (for user surveys, only your name is generally processed)

The Carlsberg Foundation processes your personal data to pursue a legitimate interest in being able to improve its activities, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f).

Who has access to your data?
Generally, we do not disclose your personal data to third parties.

Generally, we do not transfer or make available personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. In the event that personal data is transferred or made available to countries outside the EU/EEA, this is done on the basis of the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses.

Storage and erasure
We store your personal data for as long as we have an objective need for processing.


Job recruiting

Categories of personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and basis for processing
The Carlsberg Foundation processes the following personal data about you in relation to job recruiting with the purpose of filling advertised or future positions with the Foundation:



Basis for processing

General personal data:

Name, address, e-mail, telephone number, application and CV.

The Carlsberg Foundation processes your personal data insofar as we have a legitimate interest in assessing you as a candidate and filling the position, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f).

The Carlsberg Foundation does not need to process sensitive personal data. We therefore ask you not to provide such data or your CPR number to the Foundation.

The Carlsberg Foundation may also process data on the basis of GDPR art. 6, para. 1(b) insofar as such processing may become necessary for concluding an employment contract with you.



The Carlsberg Foundation only obtains references, e.g. from previous employers, on the basis of your consent, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(a).

Furthermore, the Carlsberg Foundation may use recruitment agencies with the purpose of filling specific positions. The personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and the basis for processing are the same as above.

Who has access to your data?
We process all your personal data confidentially, which means that only those employees involved in the recruiting process have access to your data.

We may receive personal data from third parties, e.g. test providers, recruitment agencies or similar, that provide services to us in connection with the recruitment process. In such cases, the Carlsberg Foundation undertakes to enter into the agreements necessary for i.a. ensuring that the personal data is processed securely and appropriately in accordance with the obligations arising from GDPR.

Generally, we do not transfer or make available personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA. In the event that personal data is transferred or made available to countries outside the EU/EEA, this is done on the basis of the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses.

Storage and erasure
We process your data until the recruitment process is complete. In all cases, however, we erase your data no later than six months after we have received your application, unless we specifically assess that there are special factors requiring a shorter or longer period of storage, or in the event that you have given your consent for us to store the data for longer, e.g. in connection with filling other current or future positions.

If you are hired, your data will be transferred to your personal file.

Where your personal data comes from
In addition to the data that you yourself provide, we may, in connection with the selection process, search for relevant published data on the internet, including LinkedIn and Facebook.


Video surveillance

Categories of personal data that the Carlsberg Foundation processes and basis for processing
The Carlsberg Foundation processes the following personal data about you originating from video surveillance in door phones and at entrances to the Foundation:



Basis for processing

General personal data:

Images in connection with video surveillance

The Carlsberg Foundation processes your personal data insofar as we have a legitimate interest in respect of security and crime prevention, cf. GDPR art. 6, para. 1(f).

Who has access to your data?
We only disclose your personal data originating from video surveillance if you have given your express consent, if required by law or if the disclosure is made to the police with a view to solving a crime.

Storage and erasure
Video and sound recordings containing personal data that originate from video surveillance for crime-prevention purposes are generally erased 30 days after recording.

In certain cases where necessary with regard to a specific dispute or § 4c, para. 2 of the Danish Video Surveillance Act, a recording may be stored for a longer period.


Your rights

Right of access:
You have the right to access the personal data concerning you that we keep.

Right to have your data rectified
You have the right to request that your personal data is rectified if it is inaccurate, including the right to have incomplete data completed.

Once you have applied for a grant via the Carlsberg Foundation’s application system, you have the option to rectify your personal data yourself. You can access your applications and thus rectify your personal data on Webfond via the following link:

Right to have your data erased
In certain cases, you have the right to have the personal data concerning you that we process erased.

If you ask to have personal data erased that links you to an ongoing application, you should be aware that we will not have the opportunity to process the application. The same applies if you withdraw your consent.

Right to restriction of processing
You have the right to request that we restrict processing of your personal data. The Carlsberg Foundation does not carry out automated processing of personal data (profiling).

Right to object to our processing of data
You have the right to object to use of your personal data based on the Carlsberg Foundation’s legitimate interests. We will not continue to use your personal data unless we can demonstrate objective grounds for its use that override your interests and rights and/or the usage is based on legal requirements.

You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal data carried out on the basis of the balancing of interests rule.

Right to have data transferred
You can also contact us if you want to know about your options for data portability.

Right to withdraw your consent
If you have given your consent for processing, you may withdraw it at any time by contacting the Carlsberg Foundation.

If you choose to withdraw your consent, this will not affect the legitimacy of our processing of your personal data on the basis of your previously given consent up to the time of the withdrawal of consent. If you withdraw your consent, it will only therefore take effect from this time.

If you wish to complain about our processing of personal data, you can contact us by You may also lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5thfloor, 1300 Copenhagen K., tel. +45 3319 3200,

Updating of our Data Protection Policy
We want to take the best possible care of your personal data, so there may be a need for us to update this Data Protection Policy.

September 2021, version 2.6.