

Bevillinger til internationale konferencer og workshops i Danmark.


Året rundt


Max. 80.000 kr.


The Carlsberg Foundation provides support for international conferences and workshops in Denmark. The grant is specifically intended to facilitate the participation of leading international researchers, young postdoctoral fellows and outstanding PhD students.


The main applicant must be at least at postdoctoral level.

The Carlsberg Foundation does not offer grants for individual travel to and attendance at conferences. 


The total amount applied for must not exceed DKK 80,000.

The Carlsberg Foundation provides support for expenses related to:

  • Accommodation and travel for international researchers, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students
  • Salaries for student assistance in connection with the conference/workshop
  • Rental of facilities in connection with the conference/workshop
  • Catering during the conference/workshop, but not conference dinner

The Carlsberg Foundation also provides support for international virtual conferences/workshops, including expenses related to:

  • Rental of technical infrastructure
  • Website design
  • Technical support
  • Salaries for assistance in connection with the execution of the virtual conference/workshop

The foundation does not provide support for expenses related to fees for keynote speakers, gifts for presenters and post-conference activities.

CALL OPEN Applications must be submitted at least three months prior to the proposed starting date.
The guidelines have been updated June 2023


Please note that failure to comply with the following requirements will result in an administrative rejection of the application.

The application must be written in English using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5.

The following appendices, and only these, must be uploaded with the application in PDF format (please note that other formats are not accepted):

  • Project description
  • Budget
  • Curriculum vitae and list of publications
  • Preliminary programme

Project description

The project description must not exceed 6,000 characters (including spaces, figure captions, formulas and such like) and must not exceed two A4 pages (including figures, tables and such like, but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.


An itemised budget for the amount applied for must be uploaded using the Carlsberg Foundation budget template, including a justification of the budget items.

Curriculum Vitae and list of publications

The CV of the main applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Do not include picture, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth, or gender.

A list of publications for the main applicant from the last five years must be uploaded in the same PDF file as the CV.

The list of publications must only include research that has been published or accepted for publication. The name of the applicant must be in bold font and the order of authors must be indicated exactly as listed in the original publication. All co-authors must be mentioned. If, however, the number of authors exceeds 10, it is sufficient to list the first 10.  

The list of publications must be chronologically arranged and divided into the following categories:

  1. Peer-reviewed publications:
  • Articles
  • Monographs
  • Peer-reviewed papers published in conference proceedings
  • Book chapters
  • Anthologies
  1. Non-peer-reviewed publications, for example
  • Articles
  • Monographs
  • Book chapters
  • Anthologies
  1. Patent references for patents obtained or applied for that are relevant to the applicant's research. Any patent references should be included in the list of publications on equal terms with scientific articles.

Links to external materials may be included but will not be considered in the evaluation of the application. If an h-index is included in the list of publications, it must be clarified how the index was calculated.

Preliminary programme

A preliminary programme must be uploaded, including named keynote speakers where applicable and the estimated number of participants.


Download budget template




Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the criteria.