Feltekspeditioner / Forskningsophold
Bevillinger til feltekspeditioner eller forskningsophold ved udenlandske forskningsinstitutioner over 100.000 kr.
01.10.2024 - 16:00
Over 100.000 kr.
For ansøgere
The Carlsberg Foundation provides support for expenses related to field trips abroad and research stays at foreign institutions with a budget exceeding DKK 100,000.
The applicant must be at associate professor/senior researcher or professor level, employed at a Danish research institution.
If applying for a research stay at a foreign research institution, the application must clearly state why the applicant has chosen the specific research institution and how the stay creates research synergies between the applicant’s research and the host institution.
Field trips and research stays at foreign institutions with a budget less than DKK 100,000 must be applied for under the Carlsberg Foundation continuous call for applications.
The Carlsberg Foundation only provides support for expenses related to travel, accommodation and transport. An hourly or daily (per diem) allowance cannot be applied for.
The foundation only provides support for additional expenses in connection with the inclusion of family for field trips and research stays at foreign institutions of more than six months’ duration.
The foundation does not provide support for expenses related to PhD students' field trips/research stays or changes of research environment.
Assessment & process
The Carlsberg Foundation only supports scientific activities with a strong connection to Danish research, as specified in the Charter of the Foundation, Sect. 9.1. The board of the Carlsberg Foundation interprets this to mean that the applicant may, for example:
- hold a degree from a Danish research institute and subsequently have been employed at a Danish research institute; or
- through personal or family relations be strongly connected to Danish research; or
- possess so strong and demonstrated ties to Danish research that even if the applicant moves abroad to conduct research, e.g., in connection with an internationalization fellowship, the applicant intends to return to Danish research upon the completion of their stay.
These examples are not exhaustive. It is ultimately up to the board of the Carlsberg Foundation to decide whether a connection is considered strong or not.
No. The requirements for the length of the application are described in the guidelines regardless of the number of applicants.
Spring Call: The earliest start date is 1 August, and the latest start date is 1 January the following year. *Except Visiting Fellowships at University of Oxford. Check the guidelines for further information.
Autumn Call: The earliest start date is 1 January, and the latest start date is 1 September. *Except Semper Ardens: Advance and Visiting Fellowships at University of Oxford. Check the guidelines for further information.
Yes, shortly after you have submitted your application, you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation that the Carlsberg Foundation has received your application.
You will be able to view your application as a complete PDF file in CF-Grant.
For applications submitted under the ordinary call, applicants can edit the application until the application deadline.
For applications submitted under the continuous call, applicants cannot edit the application after it has been submitted. Instead, the applicant must submit a new application.
Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the criteria.