Semper Ardens Accomplish


Femårige bevillinger til internationalt anerkendte nyligt fastansatte professorer til gennemførelse af nytænkende og ambitiøse forskningsprojekter.


01.10.2025 - 16:00


Hvert andet år




7 - 10 mio. kr.


Semper Ardens Accomplish grants are five-year grants to support innovative and ambitious research projects. Projects that venture into new scientific territory will be prioritised.


The applicant must be a recently tenured internationally recognised professor who has been appointed for a maximum of three years at the date of the application deadline.

Any periods of leave will be accepted as extensions of this time limit (maternity leave, paternity leave, family care leave, illness, military service and so on). The exact employment date must be specified in the CV.

The professor is expected to dedicate at least 50% of their research time to the project.


The total amount applied for must be within a budget of DKK 7–10 million.

Grants for this instrument are given as a framework grant and may be used to cover expenses that are relevant and necessary for completing the activity. The following running costs may be applied for:

  • Consumables
  • Equipment
  • Travel, conferences and similar

The budget may include the following salary items:

  • Salaries for postdocs
  • Salaries and tuition fees for PhD students (enrolment of the PhD students at a Danish PhD graduate school must be guaranteed)
  • Salary for a project coordinator for up to 12 months during the project period
  • Salary for a research assistant
  • Up to a total of three months’ salary for the applicant
CALL CLOSED Call opens: 30 June 2025 Deadline: 1 October 2025, 16:00
The guidelines have been updated June 2023


Please note that failure to comply with the following requirements will result in an administrative rejection of the application.

The application must be written in English using Times New Roman, font size 12, margins on the left, right, top and bottom of at least 2 cm and line spacing of 1.5.

The following appendices, and only these, must be uploaded with the application in PDF format (please note that other formats are not accepted):

Required documents:

  • Project description
  • Budget
  • Curriculum vitae and list of publications of the applicant
  • Short description of the research group and its organisation
  • Description of the expected impact
  • Declaration of support from the host institution

If relevant to the application (see explanation below):

  • Curricula vitae and lists of publications of named group members
  • Quotes for instruments, register data and such like
  • National/international network

Project description

The project description must not exceed 15,000 characters (including spaces, figure captions, formulas and such like) and must not exceed five A4 pages (including figures, tables and such like, but excluding references). Any references or bibliography must be added in direct continuation of the project description.


An itemised budget for the amount applied for must be uploaded using the Carlsberg Foundation budget template, including a justification of the budget items.

Curriculum vitae and list of publications of the applicant

The CV of the applicant must not exceed two A4 pages. Do not include picture, home address, family information, CPR no., date of birth, or gender.

A list of publications for the applicant from the last five years must be uploaded in the same PDF file as the CV.

The list of publications must only include research that has been published or accepted for publication. The name of the applicant must be in bold font and the order of authors must be indicated exactly as listed in the original publication. All co-authors must be mentioned. If, however, the number of authors exceeds 10, it is sufficient to list the first 10.

The list of publications must be chronologically arranged and divided into the following categories:

  1. Peer-reviewed publications:
  • Articles
  • Monographs
  • Peer-reviewed papers published in conference proceedings
  • Book chapters
  • Anthologies
  1. Non-peer-reviewed publications, for example
  • Articles
  • Monographs
  • Book chapters
  • Anthologies
  1. Patent references for patents obtained or applied for that are relevant to the applicant’s research. Any patent references should be included in the list of publications on equal terms with scientific articles.

Links to external materials may be included but will not be considered in the evaluation of the application. If an h-index is included in the list of publications, it must be clarified how the index was calculated.

Short description of the research group and its organization

A short description of the research group and its organisation must be uploaded, including its prospective composition, diversity and gender balance.

The description must not exceed two A4 pages.

Description of the expected impact

A description of the expected impact of the research on education must be uploaded.

The description must not exceed one A4 page.

Declaration of support from the host institution

A declaration of support from the host institution with a specification of possible embedment options must be uploaded.

Curricula vitae and lists of publications of named group members (where relevant)

CVs and lists of publications of each named team member must be uploaded, following the same guidelines as for the applicant. Each CV and publication list must be uploaded as a single PDF file.

Quotes for instruments, register data and such like (where relevant)

Quotes for instruments, register data and such like must be uploaded.

National/international network (where relevant)

A specification of proposed activities (such as trips, meetings, symposia, conferences and so on) and their costs in relation to establishing a national and/or international research network must be uploaded.



Download budget template




Please note: The foundation reserves the right to make adjustments to the criteria.